Nominations for the 2025 awards will open Spring 2025. We look forward to recognizing this winners at the annual conference in July. 


This award recognizes a business school’s alumni relations team for improving an existing initiative.  

The winning school will receive one free registration to the following year’s ABSAP conference.  (The free registration may not be held for a future year.)

Eligibility Criteria

  • The school is a current dues-paying member school of ABSAP.
  • The initiative is an improved version of an existing initiative (e.g., event, website, newsletter).
  • The submission cannot be for a new initiative.
  • The improvement to the initiative was implemented between July 1, 2024, and May 1, 2025.

Number of Awards 
One award is given to a school each year, assuming the nomination meets the criteria and is approved by the selection committee.

Nominations are solicited from current dues-paying member schools of ABSAP. In 500 words or less, the nomination should describe the original initiative and an outline of all the ways in which the team has changed or enhanced the initiative. Supporting documents, illustrating the improvements made to the initiative, are encouraged (e.g., letters of support, press releases, before and after images, analytics/metrics). No more than (3) supporting documents will be considered.

This award recognizes a business school’s alumni relations team for a new initiative that supports the mission of the respective school, department, and/or the alumni relations profession.  

The winning school will receive one free registration to the following year’s ABSAP conference.  (The free registration may not be held for a future year.)

Eligibility & Criteria

  • The school is a current dues-paying member school of ABSAP.
  • The initiative is a completely new initiative (e.g., event, website, newsletter).
  • It cannot be an improved version of an existing program.
  • The initiative was implemented between July 1, 2024, and May 1, 2025.

Number of Awards
One award is given to a school each year, assuming the nominee meets the awards criteria and is approved by the selection committee.

Nominations are solicited from current dues-paying member schools of ABSAP. In 500 words or less, the nomination should describe the success of the new initiative, as well as how the initiative and outcomes are connected to the overall office/department goals. Supporting documents, illustrating the initiative, are encouraged (e.g., letters of support, press releases). No more than (3) supporting documents will be considered.

This award recognizes the successful partnership between a business school’s alumni relations team and another unit at their school or an outside organization on either a single initiative or on an ongoing basis to serve their alumni constituency.  

The winning school will receive one free registration to the following year’s ABSAP conference.  (The free registration may not be held for a future year.)

Eligibility & Criteria

  • The school is a current dues-paying member school of ABSAP.
  • The school is pursuing or has successfully executed at least one initiative in support of the mission of the business school involving the collaboration of alumni relations and another unit of the school or an outside organization.

Number of Awards
One award is given to a school each year, assuming the nominee meets the awards criteria and is approved by the selection committee.

Nominations are solicited from current dues-paying member schools of ABSAP. In 500 words or less, the nomination should describe the scope of the school’s alumni relations partnership. Supporting documents, emphasizing the outcome and/or influence of the partnership for the school, are encouraged (e.g., letters of support, press releases). No more than (3) supporting documents will be considered ,

This award recognizes the accomplishments of new professionals in alumni relations and/or development efforts who exceed excellence at their school.

The winning school will receive one free registration to the following year’s ABSAP conference.  The registration need not be used for the same staff member to attend the conference.  (The free registration may not be held for a future year.)

Eligibility and Criteria

  • The individual is employed at a current dues-paying member school of ABSAP.
  • The individual has no more than three years of experience in alumni relations and/or development.
  • The individual demonstrates significant achievements in their professional experience and involvement in professional organizations.
  • The individual exhibits the potential for future leadership in alumni relations or development.

Number of Awards
Up to two (2) awards will be given each year, assuming the nominees meet the criteria and are approved by the selection committee. The award includes a registration stipend for a staff member at the recipient’s school to attend the annual conference the following year.

Nominations are solicited from current dues-paying member schools of ABSAP. In 500 words or less, the nomination should describe the individual’s professional achievements. In addition, the nomination should include the following materials:

  • Two (2) letters of support, which may not exceed one page in length each. Letters may be submitted by the individual’s supervisor, the business school dean, colleagues, or alumni volunteers. No more than two (2) letters of support will be considered.
  • Resume or biographical document, not to exceed one page in length.

This award recognizes an individual whose service to ABSAP supports its mission and enhances the vision of the greater organization.

The winning school will receive one free registration to the following year’s ABSAP conference.  The registration need not be used for the same staff member to attend the conference.  (The free registration may not be held for a future year.) 

Eligibility and Criteria

  • The individual is employed at a current dues-paying member school of ABSAP.
  • The individual has at least one year of experience in alumni relations and/or development.
  • The individual is actively involved in ABSAP.
  • Current members of the Board of Directors are not eligible for this particular award.

Number of Awards
One (1) award is given each year, assuming the nominee meets the criteria and is approved by the selection committee.

Nominations are solicited from current dues-paying member schools of ABSAP. In 500 words or less, the nomination should describe the individual’s contributions to ABSAP. In addition, the nomination should include: 

  • One letter of support, not to exceed one page in length. No more than one letter of support will be considered.
  • The letter should be submitted by a member of ABSAP at another institution.

For consideration of the ABSAP Awards, the following guidelines have been implemented:

Selecting Body

The selection committee consists of members of the ABSAP Awards Committee, with final consultation provided by the ABSAP Board of Directors.


The call for nominations is posted to the ABSAP community on LinkedIn and promoted to member schools through primary representatives. Nominations are typically sought two to three months prior to the annual conference, and submissions are typically due a few weeks prior to the conference. The award is presented to the recipient and/or school at the annual conference.

NOTE: Similar to the way in which we showcase each school’s promotional materials at the annual conference, the award recipients may be asked (where appropriate)—in a similar venue—to showcase the initiatives that led to winning the awards.

In addition to these five professional awards, the “SAPYS” will be awarded for various fun/comical antics that happen during the conference. All attendees are able to vote on these awards. More details about these awards will be provided at the conference.

For any questions about the ABSAP Awards Program, please contact info@absap.orgPlease include “ABSAP Awards” in the subject line of your email.